2016年9月30日 星期五

中醫與風濕免疫疾病 - 張清貿科主任 (2023/04/06 更新)




  1. [修格蘭氏症患者來信Q&A] 我們將持續為中醫藥治療Sjögren's syndrome 修格蘭氏症/乾燥症做努力
  2. [研究新知介紹] 修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome) 與其他疾病之口乾、眼乾鑑別診斷
  3. [修格蘭氏症患者來信Q&A] Sjögren's syndrome 修格蘭氏症/乾燥症患者 感染住院、傷口癒合不佳影響工作
  4. [臨床與研究心得] 近日Sjögren Syndrome 修格蘭氏症/乾燥症中醫藥治療有感 - 張清貿醫師
  5. [修格蘭氏症患者來信Q&A] Sjögren's syndrome 修格蘭氏症/乾燥症患者,奎寧 Hydroxychloroquine 到底該不該吃?
  6. [修格蘭氏症患者來信Q&A] Sjögren's syndrome 修格蘭氏症/乾燥症等自體免疫性疾病患者,需不需要服用增強免疫力的健康食品?
  7. [臨床研究報告] 修格蘭氏症 (Sjögren Syndrome)患者治療三個月後,Schirmer's test 眼淚測試改善顯著,從0 mm增加到22 mm
  8. [修格蘭氏症患者來信Q&A] Sjögren's syndrome 修格蘭氏症/乾燥症等自體免疫性疾病患者,會不會併發癌症?
  9. [臨床研究報告] 修格蘭氏症 (Sjögren Syndrome)患者經張清貿醫師利用中藥治療一個月後,Schirmer's test 眼淚測試改善顯著,兩眼從0 mm增加到15 mm。
  10. [研究新知介紹] 修格蘭氏症(Sjögren's syndrome) 與癌症(Cancer)的發生風險
  11. [修格蘭氏症患者來信Q&A] Sjögren's syndrome 修格蘭氏症/乾燥症......等自體免疫性疾病患者,懷孕時需不需要服用奎寧 Hydroxychloroquine?
  12. [修格蘭氏症患者來信Q&A] Sjögren's syndrome 修格蘭氏症/乾燥症......等自體免疫性疾病患者,可以吃什麼食補?
  13. [論文發表] 雷諾氏症候群的中醫診治病例報告
  14. [養生食療] 健脾開胃「四神排骨湯」- 張清貿醫師推薦腸胃虛弱之平補養生食療方
  15. [論文發表] [中醫藥研究論叢] 僵直性脊椎炎之中醫藥文獻回顧,A Review of traditional Chinese medicine for Ankylosing spondylitis
  16. [研究發表摘錄介紹] 僵直性脊椎炎之現代醫學診療
  17. [研究發表摘錄介紹] 僵直性脊椎炎之中醫理論
  18. [食譜] #史上最強!水波爐脫油減鹽料理117# - 「涼補醬燒雞」藥膳料理,由臺北榮民總醫院張清貿醫師及振興醫院中醫科施柏瑄醫師提供
  19. [病例報告] 20180207 針刺風池穴GB20之立即性效果
  20. [臨床] 修格蘭氏症之中醫舌診
  21. [專欄採訪] 2017 榮總人 394 -科學化現代醫學語言證實中藥改善眼乾口渴-臺北榮民總醫院傳統醫學部張清貿主治醫師
  22. [論文發表] Integrative therapy decreases the risk of lupus nephritis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A population-based retrospective cohort study,整合中西醫療法可降低紅斑性狼瘡患者併發狼瘡腎炎之風險
  23. [研究發表][臨床病例報告] 中西醫整合治療紅斑性狼瘡腎炎病例報告Integrated Therapy Improve Urinary Total Protein in Patients with Lupus Nephritis: A Case Report (本論文後續追蹤持續報告為Stabilityof a Lupus Nephritis Case after One Year of Integrated Therapy. EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System. 2020)
  24. [持續追蹤] 蛋白尿指數回覆正常範圍了:中西醫整合治療紅斑性狼瘡腎炎之持續追蹤病例報告 20190104
  25. [論文發表] Integrated therapy decreases the mortality of patients with polymyositis and dermatomyositis: A Taiwan-wide population-based retrospective study 整合中西醫醫療可減少多發性肌炎與皮肌炎患者之死亡率:臺灣族群回顧性研究
  26. [恭賀] 修格蘭氏症 Sjögren Syndrome 懷孕順產
  27. [臨床病例心得] 淋巴癌併發修格蘭氏症
  28. [錄影] IgG4-related disease (IgG4RD,IgG4相關性疾病)淺述與中醫治療
  29. [錄影] 20200419 Sjögren’s syndrome 修格蘭氏症淺述 (1)
  30. [臨床病例報告] Stability of a Lupus Nephritis Case after One Year of Integrated Therapy 狼瘡性腎炎患者經過整合中西醫學治療一年後之穩定性 (本論文為先前發表病例報告之後續追蹤中西醫整合治療紅斑性狼瘡腎炎病例報告,Integrated Therapy Improve Urinary Total Protein in Patients with Lupus Nephritis: A Case Report)
  31. [錄影] 20200510 修格蘭氏症 Sjögren’s syndrome Q&A (1)
  32. [錄影] 20200517 修格蘭氏症 Sjögren’s syndrome Q&A (2)
  33. [錄影] 20200524 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 系統性紅斑性狼瘡淺述 (1)
  34. [教學門診] 張清貿醫師教學門診介紹 (感謝「乾燥症—水噹噹之喬伊斯日常」-喬伊斯分享的心得)
  35. [臨床病例] 修格蘭氏症Sjögren Syndrome患者服用滋陰潤燥、活血化瘀中藥八週後舌下絡脈瘀改善

  36. [臨床病例報告] 皮肌炎患者中西醫整合治療:3年前後的皮膚對照圖,皮膚炎真的差很多,肌肉發炎指標CK也有改善

  37. [論文發表] Herbal Formula SS-1 Increases Tear Secretion for Sjögren’s Syndrome,中藥複方SS-1可增加修格蘭氏症患者之淚液分泌,臺灣本土第一篇中藥治療修格蘭氏症的隨機、雙盲、交叉、安慰劑對照臨床試驗

  38. [研究新知分享] 通過精確的腮腺腫脹記錄,預測修格蘭氏症 Sjögren syndrome中的淋巴瘤及腮腺微環境在病理發生中的作用

2016年9月23日 星期五

[養生食療] 「台中樂樂廚房美味料理」一爐多菜,輕輕鬆鬆完成上燒下蒸日式風味餐!

台中樂樂廚房美味料理 看圖做菜:

#夏普 xp200

2016年9月21日 星期三

2016年9月12日 星期一

[健康促進] 本週的果物配,水果都很香很甜!



2016年9月11日 星期日

[張清貿醫師正能量] 先要邁開步伐,才能看到路在何方。






2016年9月10日 星期六

[論文發表] [中醫藥雜誌] 心腦主神明學說的沿革,The Origin and Evolution of Heart and Brain Governing the Bright Spirit - 張清貿醫師


The Origin and Evolution of Heart and Brain Governing the Bright Spirit
中醫學從《黃帝內經》開始提出「心主神明」觀點,到明代李時珍則於《本草綱目˙木部˙辛夷》提出:「腦為元神之府,而鼻為命門之竅。」自此揭開「心主神明」 與「腦主神明」 爭論的開端。而清代王清任《醫林改錯˙腦髓說》指出「靈機記性不在心在腦」,率先在中醫史上打破心腦合一說,揭開心主神明與腦主神明之爭。甚至《中醫臨床診療術語˙疾病部分》更認為中醫腦科學得以充分理性發展的前提,就是必須將「心主神明」變革為「腦主神明」。但現代醫家多持反對意見,認為腦主神明對心理疾病的解釋不足,臨床治療上也無多大見效,而其使用藥物的副作用更大,且療效不夠持久。本文希望藉著現代醫學及其他學科的研究來探討心腦主神明的源流、變革、科學性及證據。
“Huang Di Nei Jing” proposed that “heart governs the bright spirit”, but “Ben Cao Gang Mu” stated that “brain governs the bright spirit”. Then, “Yi Lin Gai Cuo” added to the debate by saying “Spirit and memory locate in the brain, not in the heart”. Thus, the controversy between heart and brain governing the bright spirit continued ever since in traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Although the TCM supervisor in mainland China stated that “brain governs the bright spirit” is the foundation in “TCM brain science” in 1997, many researchers remain skeptical due to the unsolved problems in clinical diagnosis and treatment. In order to account the origin and evolution, this paper reviews both proposals with the aid of modern medicine and scientific studies.
期數201706 (28:1期)

2016年9月9日 星期五

[病例報導] 95歲男性患者,經過中藥+針灸治療8個月後,頭髮變黑了,且經過持續治療追蹤,目前頭髮還在變黑 (2016/09/02更新)

2016/09/02 照片

2015/12/02 照片

 2015/11/04 照片

 2014/05/26 照片



黑到我都想吃的老背背藥,來改善我的少年白 (誤)!


2016年9月7日 星期三

[論文發表] Validation of a new simple scale to measure symptoms in heart failure from traditional Chinese medicine view: a cross-sectional questionnaire study,心臟衰竭之中醫問卷研究

 2016 Sep 2;16:342. doi: 10.1186/s12906-016-1306-7.

Validation of a new simple scale to measure symptoms in heart failure from traditional Chinese medicine view: a cross-sectional questionnaire study


Fu TC1,2Lin YC3Chang CM4,2Chou WL5,2Yuan PH6Liu MH6Wang CH6Chen JC7Chang HH8Pan TL9,10,11.



Current clinical practices used to functionally classify heart failure (HF) are time-consuming, expensive, or require complex calculations. This study aimed to design an inquiry list from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that could be used in routine clinical practice to resolve these problems.


The severity of documented HF in 115 patients was classified according to their performance in maximal exercise tests into New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification (FC) II or NYHA FC III. Concomitantly, the patients were assessed using the new TCM inquiry list and two validated quality of life questionnaires, namely, the Short Form 36 (SF-36) generic scale and the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ). Factor analysis was applied to extract the core factors from the responses to the items in TCM inquiry list; logistic regression analysis was then used to predict the severity of HF according to the extracted factors.


The TCM inquiry list showed moderate levels of correlation with the physical and emotional components of the SF-36 and the MLHFQ, and predicted the functional class of HF patients reliably using logistic regression analysis, with a correct prediction rate with 64.3 %. Factor analysis of the TCM inquiry list extracted five core factors, namely, Qi Depression, Heart Qi Vacuity and Blood Stasis, Heart Blood Vacuity, Dual Qi-Blood Vacuity, and Yang Vacuity, from the list, which aligned with the perspective of TCM as it relates to the pattern of HF. The correct prediction rate rose to 70.4 % when Dual Qi-Blood Vacuity was combined with the MLHFQ. The excessive false-negative rate is a problem associated with the TCM inquiry list.


The TCM inquiry list is a simple scale and similar to patient-reported subjective measures of quality of life in HF, and may help to classify patients into NYHA FC II or NYHA FC III. Factor 4 addresses dizziness, dizzy vision and general weakness, which are critical parameters that distinguish between NYHA FC II and NYHA FC III. Incorporating these three items into the management of HF may help to classify patients from a functional perspective.


Aerobic capacity; Heart failure; Inquiry; Traditional Chinese medicine

2016年9月5日 星期一

[健康促進] 果物配,每週配送,光火龍果吃起來就是跟水果行不一樣

[健康促進] 果物配,每週配送

這禮拜開始收到 #果物配



