健保重大傷病97萬人,癌症病友變少了,但自體免疫性疾病患者變多了,兩年前才7萬多人,現在多了約2萬人,根據之前本研究團隊統計調查,2011年全台灣Sjögren's syndrome 修格蘭氏症/乾燥症患者約15914人,佔全體自體免疫性疾病重大傷病患者約16.7%,相較於Systemic lupus erythematosus 紅斑性狼瘡與Rheumatoid Arthritis 類風濕性關節炎兩個族群算比較少,但Sjögren's syndrome修格蘭氏症/乾燥症、Systemic lupus erythematosus 紅斑性狼瘡與Rheumatoid Arthritis 類風濕性關節炎彼此之間容易共同發病,所以Sjögren's syndrome修格蘭氏症/乾燥症會比實際領取重大傷病卡的數量還多,所以這幾年Sjögren's syndrome修格蘭氏症/乾燥症患者接受中醫治療也越來越普遍。
There were 15,914 SS patients with CIC (SS/CIC) in Taiwan from 2002 to 2011; however, there were only 683 SS/CIC with a principal diagnosis of SS in LHID2000, 678 in LHID2005, and 635 in
LHID2010, respectively. In these three LHID datasets, more than 90% of SS outpatients had visited TCM clinics. However, not all patients visited TCM clinics for SS, and we only included principal
diagnosis SS cases for TCM visits. After removing 23 cases of duplicate data, we found 130 SS patients in LHID2000, 133 in LHID2005, and 126 in LHID2010. There were 366 SS patients and 4,867 visits with a principal diagnosis of SS in TCM clinics from 2002 to 2011. The recruitment flowchart for subjects treated for SS/CIC with CHM from the 3 million random samples in the Taiwan NHIRD is shown in Figure 1.
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