2021年9月24日 星期五

[論文發表] Herbal Formula SS-1 Increases Tear Secretion for Sjögren’s Syndrome,中藥複方SS-1可增加修格蘭氏症患者之淚液分泌,臺灣本土第一篇中藥治療修格蘭氏症的隨機、雙盲、交叉、安慰劑對照臨床試驗-張清貿主治醫師


Herbal Formula SS-1 Increases Tear Secretion for Sjögren’s Syndrome






今天主論文SS-1中藥修格蘭氏症臨床試驗終於被Frontiers in Pharmacology接受了,IF=5.810


1.臨床試驗主論文:Herbal formula SS-1 increases tear secretion for Sjögren’s syndrome. Frontiers in Pharmacology (SCI, 2021 IF= 5.810,第一作者)

2.SS-1 T細胞: Chinese herbal medicine SS-1 inhibits T cell activation and ameliorates TH responses in Sjögren’s syndrome. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 2020 (SCI, 2021 IF= 3.282,共同第一作者)

3.臨床試驗前調查:The Core Pattern Analysis on Chinese Herbal Medicine for Sjögren's syndrome: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5: 9541 (SCI, 2021 IF=4.379,第一作者)






Front. Pharmacol., 24 September 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2021.645437

Herbal Formula SS-1 Increases Tear Secretion for Sjögren’s Syndrome

www.frontiersin.orgChing-Mao Chang (張清貿)1,2,3www.frontiersin.orgPo-Chang Wu4,5www.frontiersin.orgJr-Rung Lin6www.frontiersin.orgYeong-Jian Jan Wu7www.frontiersin.orgShue-Fen Luo7www.frontiersin.orgYin-Tzu Hsue8www.frontiersin.orgJoung-Liang Lan4,5www.frontiersin.orgTai-Long Pan9,10,11www.frontiersin.orgYu-Ting Wu12www.frontiersin.orgKuang-Hui Yu7*, www.frontiersin.orgYau-Huei Wei12,13,14* and www.frontiersin.orgHen-Hong Chang15,16*
  • 1Center for Traditional Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2Faculty of Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 3Institute of Traditional Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 4Rheumatology and Immunology Center, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 5College of Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 6Clinical Informatics and Medical Statistics Research Center, Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  • 7Department of Medicine, Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  • 8Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan
  • 9School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  • 10Research Center for Chinese Herbal Medicine and Research Center for Food and Cosmetic Safety, College of Human Ecology, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  • 11Liver Research Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  • 12Center for Mitochondrial Medicine and Free Radical Research, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan
  • 13Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Life Sciences, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 14Department of Medicine, Mackay Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 15Graduate Institute of Integrated Medicine, College of Chinese Medicine, and Chinese Medicine Research Center, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 16Department of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan

Background: Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that primarily affects the exocrine glands, leading to glandular dysfunction. The hallmark symptoms of SS are dry eyes and mouth, compromising the quality of life of patients and decreasing their capacity to perform their daily activities.

Objective: This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of the herbal formula SS-1 for its potential therapeutic benefits for patients with Sjögren’s syndrome.

Materials and Methods: The bioactivity profile of SS-1 was determined using four different SS-1 concentrations across 12 human primary cell systems of the BioMAP profile. After that, a randomized, double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled trial was performed including 57 patients treated with SS-1 for 28 weeks.

Results: Biologically multiplexed activity profiling in cell-based models indicated that SS-1 exerted anti-proliferative activity in B cells and promoted anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activity. In the clinical trial, Schirmer’s test results revealed significant improvements in both eyes, with increases of 3.42 mm (95% CI, 2.44–4.41 mm) and 3.45 mm (95% CI, 2.32–4.59 mm), respectively, and a significant reduction in artificial tear use, which was −1.38 times/day, 95% CI, −1.95 to −0.81 times/day. Moreover, the increases in B-cell activating factor (BAFF) and B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA) levels were dampened by 53.20% (295.29 versus 555.02 pg/ml) and 58.33% (99.16 versus 169.99 pg/ml), respectively.

Conclusion: SS-1 treatment significantly inhibited B-cell maturation antigen. No serious drug-related adverse effects were observed. Oral SS-1 administration may be a complementary treatment for Sjögren’s syndrome.


背景:修格蘭氏症 (Sjögren’s syndrome)是一種自身免疫性炎症性疾病,主要影響外分泌腺,導致腺體功能障礙。修格蘭氏症的主要侵犯眼睛和口腔乾燥症狀,影響患者的生活質量,並降低他們進行日常活動的能力。

目的:本研究旨在評估中藥複方 SS-1 對修格蘭氏症患者的潛在治療益處的功效。

材料和方法: 中藥複方SS-1 藉由 BioMAP生物活性系統中 12 個人類細胞系統中建構的四種不同中藥複方 SS-1確定濃度。接著進行了一項隨機、雙盲、交叉、安慰劑對照臨床試驗,其中納入 57 名接受 SS-1 治療 28 週的修格蘭氏症患者。

結果:基於細胞的模型中的生物多重活性分析表明中藥複方 SS-1 在 B 細胞中具有抗增生活性、促進抗發炎和免疫調節活性。在臨床試驗中,Schirmer's test結果顯示雙眼有顯著改善,分別增加了 3.42 mm(95% CI,2.44-4.41 mm)和 3.45 mm(95% CI,2.32-4.59 mm),並且可顯著降低在人工淚液使用中。此外,B 細胞激活因子 (BAFF) 和 B 細胞成熟抗原 (BCMA) 水平的增加分別降低了 53.20%(295.29 對 555.02 pg/ml)和 58.33%(99.16 對 169.99 pg/ml)。


2021年9月7日 星期二

[論文發表] TBMJ 台灣骨鬆肌少關節防治學會-針刺治療肌少症之文獻回顧與展望

TBMJ 台灣骨鬆肌少關節防治學會第三屆運動復健委員會











人口老化與長照議題已是臺灣目前社會急需面臨的重要問題,老年肌少症的議題近年來也逐漸受到重視。肌少症 (Sarcopenia)為一種與老化相關之骨骼肌質量減少伴隨功能減退之疾病,盛行率與年齡相關,肌少症不只影響老年人的身體健康、行動能力、生活品質,還會提高相關疾病發生率及死亡率。目前認為透過阻力訓練與營養補充可以有效介入改善肌少症。肌少症是屬於老化症候群的新興健康議題,中醫方面對於此疾病之研究尚未全面通徹,本篇希冀能透過回顧針刺治療肌少症與針刺對於肌肉質量與肌力之影響的相關文獻,討論針刺作為介入治療之有效性與可行性。在本篇文獻回顧中,雖然大多臨床試驗之受試對象非肌少症患者,但從疾病病生理機轉來看,針刺仍可能具備改善肌少症之潛力,如:針刺可透過增加肌肉周圍血流量與含氧量,或通過調節肌肉再生中的訊息傳遞路徑與促發炎細胞激素……等,來增加肌肉質量;部分文獻顯示針刺也可以增加肌力。目前尚未有證據建議將針刺作為肌少症的治療準則之一,未來仍須更多嚴謹與具實證醫學效力之臨床研究來證實針刺治療肌少症之療效。


關鍵字: 針刺、肌少症


2021年9月6日 星期一

[論文發表] Evidence of Potential Mechanisms of Acupuncture from Functional MRI Data for Migraine Prophylaxis-從功能性磁振造影資料了解針刺治療偏頭痛之潛在性機轉-北榮傳醫部張清貿醫師


Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2021 May 26;25(7):49. doi: 10.1007/s11916-021-00961-4.

Evidence of Potential Mechanisms of Acupuncture from Functional MRI Data for Migraine Prophylaxis




Purpose of review: To summarize the clinical neuroimaging evidence pertaining to the potential mechanisms of acupuncture for migraine prophylaxis.

Recent findings: From a descriptive perspective, converging evidence from recent neuroimaging studies, mainly from functional MRI (fMRI) studies, has demonstrated that when compared with sham acupuncture, verum acupuncture could normalize the decrease of the functional connectivity of the rostral ventromedial medulla-trigeminocervical complex (RVM/TCC) network, frontal-parietal network, cingulo-opercular networks, and default mode network and could normalize sensorimotor network connectivity with sensory-, affective-, and cognitive-related brain areas. These areas overlap with those of the pain matrix. Verum acupuncture works in a more targeted and unique manner compared with sham acupuncture in patients with migraine. These findings from neuroimaging studies may provide new perspectives on the validation of acupoints specificity and confirm the central modulating effects of acupuncture as a migraine prevention treatment. However, the exact mechanism by which acupuncture works for migraine prophylaxis remains unclear and warrants investigation. Future studies with larger sample sizes are still needed to confirm the current results and to further evaluate the complex and specific effects of acupuncture by analyzing different stimulus conditions, such as verum vs. sham acupuncture, deqi vs. no deqi, different acupuncture points or meridians, and different manipulation methods. Moreover, instead of focusing on the changes in a single area of the brain, researchers should focus more on the relationships among the functional connectivity network of brain areas such as the RVM/TCC, thalamus, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), superior temporal gyrus (STG), and supplementary motor area (SMA) to explore the underlying mechanism of the effects of acupuncture.

Keywords: Acupuncture; Mechanisms; Migraine.