2016年4月11日 星期一

[榮譽獲獎] 張清貿醫師榮譽獲獎/Award (2022/12/06 更新)




    1. 2022年111年度退輔會臺北榮民總醫院「優良醫師獎」, 2022
    2. 2022年111年度臺北榮民總醫院最佳教學主治醫師獎, 2022
    3. 2021年110年中華民國中醫師公會全聯會「學術論文獎國外期刊組」, 2021
    4. 110年臺北榮民總醫院最佳教學主治醫師獎, 2021
    5. 2021 臺北市中醫師公會第91屆國醫節中醫藥著作獎-學術論文類-Chinese herbal medicine SS-1 inhibits T cell activation and ameliorates TH responses in Sjögren’s syndrome, 2021
    6. 2021 臺北市中醫師公會第91屆國醫節中醫藥著作獎-學術論文類-Stability of a Lupus Nephritis Case after One Year of Integrated Therapy, 2021
    7. 2021 臺北市中醫師公會第91屆國醫節中醫藥著作獎-學術論文類-以中醫失眠為題參與2020年台灣擬真醫學教育學會年會海報論文與擬真競賽,獲頒「臨床能力訓練(OSCE)教案影片-醫師類-全國第三名佳作獎」, 2021
    8. 109年度退輔會臺北榮民總醫院「臨床教學績優醫師獎」, 2020
    9. 109年臺北榮民總醫院最佳教學主治醫師獎, 2020
    10. 2020年109年中華民國中醫師公會全聯會「中醫藥特殊傑出論文獎」, 2020
    11. 2020 臺北市中醫師公會第90屆國醫節中醫藥著作獎-學術論文類-Integrated therapy decreases the mortality of patients with polymyositis and dermatomyositis: A Taiwan-wide population-based retrospective stud, 2020
    12. 2020 臺北市中醫師公會第90屆國醫節中醫藥著作獎-學術論文類-Laser Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:A Single-Blinded Controlled Study, 2020
    13. 108-2陽明大學醫學系PBL課程傑出教師, 2020
    14. 108-1陽明大學醫學系PBL課程傑出教師, 2020
    15. 2019年中華民國中醫師公會全聯會「中醫藥特殊傑出論文獎」:Integrated therapy decreases the mortality of patients with polymyositis and dermatomyositis: A Taiwan-wide population-based retrospective study 整合中西醫醫療可減少多發性肌炎與皮肌炎患者之死亡率:臺灣族群回顧性研究, 2019
    16. 台北市中醫師公會2019年第89屆台北國醫節,「第89屆國醫節中醫藥著作獎 - 學術論文類」: Integrated Therapy Improve Urinary Total Protein in Patients with Lupus Nephritis: A Case Report, 2019
    17. 107-2陽明大學醫學系PBL課程傑出教師, 2019
    18. 107-1陽明大學醫學系PBL課程傑出教師, 2019
    19. 107年度退輔會臺北榮民總醫院「優良醫師獎」, 2018
    20. 2018年中華民國中醫師公會全聯會「中醫藥特殊傑出論文獎」, 2018
    21. 106-2陽明大學醫學系PBL課程傑出教師, 2018
    22. 107年臺北榮民總醫院最佳教學主治醫師獎, 2018
    23. 2017年中華民國中醫師公會全聯會「中醫藥優良學術著作獎」, 2017
    24. 106年臺北榮民總醫院最佳教學主治醫師獎, 2017
    25. 台北市中醫師公會2017年第87屆台北國醫節,獲頒「第87屆國醫節中醫藥著作獎 - 學術論文類」: Integrative Therapy Decreases the Risk of Lupus Nephritis in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study, 2017
    26. 台北市中醫師公會2016年國醫節大會「中醫藥優良學術著作獎」:  The Core Pattern Analysis on Chinese Herbal Medicine for Sjögren's syndrome: A Nationwide Population-Based Study, 2016
    27. 台北市中醫師公會2016年國醫節大會「中醫藥優良學術著作獎」:   該如何理解「證」?- 中醫證型現代研究的定性與定量, 2016
    28. 104年度退輔會臺北榮民總醫院「臨床教學績優醫師獎」, 2015
    29. 中國醫藥大附設醫院「優良實習醫學生獎」, 2010
    30. 中國醫藥大學校級研究成果發表會「口頭論文報告特優獎」, 2007


    1. "Best Physician Award", Taipei Veterans General Hospital", Veterans Affairs Council (VAC), R.O.C, 2022
    2. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award"National Union of Chinese Medical Doctors’Association, R.O.C, 2022
    3. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award"National Union of Chinese Medical Doctors’Association, R.O.C, 2021
    4. "Best Teacher Award 2021", Taipei Veterans General Hospital, 2021
    5. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award": Chinese herbal medicine SS-1 inhibits T cell activation and ameliorates TH responses in Sjögren’s syndrome, Taipei Chinese Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan, 2021
    6. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award": Stability of a Lupus Nephritis Case after One Year of Integrated Therapy, Taipei Chinese Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan, 2021
    7. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award": TCM Insomnia OSCE Video education, Taipei, Taiwan, 2021
    8. "Distinguished Clinical Teaching Physician Award", Taipei Veterans General Hospital", Veterans Affairs Council (VAC), R.O.C, 2020
    9. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award"National Union of Chinese Medical Doctors’Association, R.O.C, 2020
    10. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award": Integrated therapy decreases the mortality of patients with polymyositis and dermatomyositis: A Taiwan-wide population-based retrospective study , Taipei Chinese Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan2020
    11. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award": Laser Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Single-Blinded Controlled Study, Taipei Chinese Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan2020
    12. "Excellent Teacher Award", 108-2 , PBL, Faculty of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, 2020
    13. "Excellent Teacher Award", 108-1 , PBL, Faculty of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, 2020
    14. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award"National Union of Chinese Medical Doctors’Association, R.O.C, 2019
    15. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award": Integrated Therapy Improve Urinary Total Protein in Patients with Lupus Nephritis: A Case Report , Taipei Chinese Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan2019
    16. "Best Teacher Award 2020", Taipei Veterans General Hospital, 2020
    17. "Excellent Teacher Award", 107-2 , PBL, Faculty of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, 2019
    18. "Excellent Teacher Award", 107-2 , PBL, Faculty of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, 2019
    19. "Best Physician Award", Taipei Veterans General Hospital", Veterans Affairs Council (VAC), R.O.C, 2018
    20. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award"National Union of Chinese Medical Doctors’Association, R.O.C, 2018
    21. "Excellent Teacher Award", 106-2 , PBL, Faculty of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, 2018
    22. "Best Teacher Award 2018", Taipei Veterans General Hospital, 2018
    23. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award", National Union of Chinese Medical Doctors’Association, R.O.C, 2017
    24. "Best Teacher Award 2017", Taipei Veterans General Hospital", 2017
    25. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award": Integrative Therapy Decreases the Risk of Lupus Nephritis in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study , Taipei Chinese Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017
    26. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award": The Core Pattern Analysis on Chinese Herbal Medicine for Sjögren's syndrome: A Nationwide Population-Based Study , Taipei Chinese Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016
    27. "Traditional Chinese Medicine excellent Academic Research Award": How to understand the TCM Zheng, Taipei Chinese Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016
    28. "Distinguished Clinical Teaching Physician Award", Taipei Veterans General Hospital", Veterans Affairs Council (VAC), R.O.C, 2015
    29. "Best Intern Award", China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan, 2010
    30. "Oral Presentation Excellence Award" in Research Conference, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, 2010


          NYCU 中醫自體免疫暨乾眼症客觀量測實驗室」捐款計畫

          Q120120 中醫自體免疫暨乾眼症客觀量測實驗室

          中醫自體免疫暨乾眼症客觀量測實驗室 (Traditional Chinese medicine Autoimmune Disease and Dry Eye Syndrome Objective Measurements Lab,AIDDES Lab)致力於結合中醫理論與現代科技,進行前瞻性的研究,探索自體免疫風溼疾病與乾眼症患者的病理機轉及中醫輔助治療。AIDDES實驗室聚焦於透過客觀量測訊號,如中醫體質、舌診、脈診、虹膜、甲褶及心律變異等,加上DNA、RNA、蛋白質體學、口腔微生物菌相等生物醫學指標,深入探討客觀與生物醫學指標與自體免疫疾病的相關性,並進行跨領域的研究,以期建立更科學且精確的診斷與治療方法。




