2016年7月12日 星期二

[研究] 中醫藥SS-1臨床試驗被國際期刊Nature Reviews Disease Primers本期的Sjögren syndrome引用 - 張清貿醫師

剛剛看PAPER看到最新一期的Nature Reviews Disease Primers期刊在講Sjögren syndrome 修格蘭氏症,就下載來看看,發現大部分的觀念我都看過了,然後看到Table 2列出正在進行診斷與治療修格蘭氏症的研究(Ongoing diagnostic and therapeutic studies in primary SjS),本來只是匆匆一瞥,突然看到一個熟悉的字眼「SS1」,就回頭仔細看,還真的是張恒鴻教授、魏耀揮教授以及潘台龍教授等指導教授帶者我一起進行的Sjögren syndrome 修格蘭氏症SS-1中醫藥臨床試驗 (NCT02110446 Chinese herbal formula SS1),已於2016年04月21日臨床收案完畢,目前正在進行統計分析,感謝這麼多乾燥症患者願意支持,不離不棄。


 2016 Jul 7;2:16047. doi: 10.1038/nrdp.2016.47.
Sjögren syndrome.


Sjögren syndrome (SjS) is a systemic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the exocrine glands (mainly the salivary and lacrimal glands) and results in the severe dryness of mucosal surfaces, principally in the mouth and eyes. This disease predominantly affects middle-aged women, but can also be observed in children, men and the elderly. The clinical presentation of SjS is heterogeneous and can vary from sicca symptoms to systemic disease (characterized by peri-epithelial lymphocytic infiltration of the affected tissue or the deposition of the immune complex) and lymphoma. The mechanism underlying the development of SjS is the destruction of the epithelium of the exocrine glands, as a consequence of abnormal B cell and T cell responses to the autoantigens Ro/SSA and La/SSB, among others. Diagnostic criteria for SjS include the detection of autoantibodies in patient serum and histological analysis of biopsied salivary gland tissue. Therapeutic approaches for SjS include both topical and systemic treatments to manage the sicca and systemic symptoms of disease. SjS is a serious disease with excess mortality, mainly related to the systemic involvement of disease and the development of lymphomas in some patients. Knowledge of SjS has progressed substantially, but this disease is still characterized by sicca symptoms, the systemic involvement of disease, lymphocytic infiltration to exocrine glands, the presence of anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB autoantibodies and the increased risk of lymphoma in patients with SjS.